In order to generate an image file of a front and/or back cardPresso layout, you need to manually select all items from each layout, by going to our top Edit > Select All menu or pressing CTRL + A in your keyboard, then going to Edit > Export Image, and finally choosing a target location, file name and extension.

To automatically do that, it would have to be through our scripting feature, which is available from the XM edition forward.

More specifically, you’d have to insert the following commands on the desired event of our general Script tab (only visible while no layout item is selected):

//Define Variables
recordID_Field = “Record_ID”;
frontLayout_Path = “C:/Users/nsilva/Desktop/frontLayout_” + currentRecord[recordID_Field].toString().trim() + “.png”;
backLayout_Path = “C:/Users/nsilva/Desktop/backLayout_” + currentRecord[recordID_Field].toString().trim() + “.png”;

//Generate Front and Back Layout Images

Note however that you must change the variable contents depending on the field name of your own record identifying value, folder path where the layout images will be generated and target file extension.

If you need any additional support, please reach out.