You should be able to find and select any .accdb file, in order to connect it to a cardPresso project, through our Direct Access File Driver connectivity.

However, in case you’re receiving an error message, while trying to connect the same, it should be strictly due to some missing MS Access resources for the .accdb file connectivity in general.

Usually, installing the following Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable package is enough to prevent this type of errors.

Having any package installation issues, we strongly recommend you to contact your local IT/Admin department or Microsoft directly.
Otherwise, you should then be able to connect to the desired .accdb database file(s).

If by any chance the same behavior persists afterwards, please try resaving the database file in question, through MS Access, with the Access 2002-2003 Database (.mdb) format instead, as there are no cardPresso connection issues with the .mdb extension, unless the file itself is somehow corrupted of course.

If you need any additional support, please reach out.